Friday, September 6, 2013

Troop 30981 Earns Bronze Award with Warm and Fuzzy for Jessie's Place Project

Brooklyn, Camden, Caraline, Caroline, Elise, Isabella, Machaela and Summerstudents at Paine Intermediate School and members of Girl Scout Troop 30981, recently earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award for their project Warm and Fuzzy for Jessie’s Place. The girls hosted an event where they taught Girl Scouts of all ages from other troops how to make hats and scarves. They also took up purchased hats, scarves, gloves and socks from attendees, which they donated to Jessie’s Place. 

The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior (fourth and fifth grades) can earn. This award recognizes that a Girl Scout Junior has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow through with a project that makes a positive difference in her community.