Gold Award Helps Kids Get School Supplies
Karla recognized that there were students at Hazel Green Elementary whose families were unable to afford school supplies. Through her Gold Award project, she created awareness in her community and organized a school supply drive to help these children. Karla created a “how-to” guide, which she presented to the Madison County Schools Superintendent, and delivered a persuasive speech to community leaders to garner support for her project. Girls and parents of Girl Scout Troop 1283 helped her with the donations, and members of the school’s PTO and the local high school’s chapter of Future Business Leaders of America have committed to making this an annual drive for the school. “As a result of my project, I learned leadership qualities and strengthened my organizational and speaking skills,” stated Karla. “I enjoyed giving back to my community." She graduated from Hazel Green High School in May 2009 and is a student at Calhoun Community College. Karla is the daughter of Cindy of Hazel Green.