The Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council was selected as one of several finalists for the Pepsi Refresh Grant at the $25,000 award level. The grant was written by two GSVSC girl members, Sam and Meredith, and requests money to build the first platform tent units at Icimani Adventure Center. But we need your help! The grant recipient is selected based on the number of votes received. To vote, visit the Pepsi Refresh by following this link:
Once on the site, look for the project in "The Planet" section, then under the $25,000 section. The project is entitled “Inspire girls to appreciate, advocate for and protect the planet,” then simply click to vote. You can vote once a day from each email address. This is a wonderful opportunity so please remember to VOTE everyday from as many email accounts as you have and PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD to family, friends, co-workers, etc. The deadline to vote is May 31st. Pepsi awards the top 10 vote getters and we are currently number 14.
1. Visit
2. Click “sign in” in the bottom left hand corner. You may sign in with your e-mail account, facebook account, or both. Use your facebook password if you sign in with facebook. Make up a password if you sign in with your e-mail account.
3. Click “Vote for this idea” in the top right hand corner.
4. The website gives each account 10 votes per day. You may not give an idea more than one vote though. The best way for us to win is if you ONLY vote for our idea.
5. Voting lasts until May 31st
6. Add this page to your “favorites” so you can vote everyday! Please tell all your friends and spread the word to help our sister Girl Scouts!