Haley, Christiana and Sara from Troop 108 decided they wanted improve the life of those women and children who were staying at Jessie’s Place for their Bronze Award project. The girls met with the center and determined their needs. Haley decided that she would reorganize their library, which was very cluttered and it was hard to find anything. She organized the movies, and removed ones that were broken. She did the same for the books and put them into categories. Sara took on the task of creating a reading center. This gave the moms and children somewhere quite to read and reflect. She created a place in the nursery near the toys and rocking chairs which made it easy for a mom to watch one child read and another one play. Christina came up with activities that the girls could present during the summer when the children at Jessie’s Place were bored. They bought supplies included crayons, coloring books, educational books and crafts. These girls made a real impact on Jesse’s place while learning about patience and versatility.
The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn. This award recognizes that a Girl Scout Junior has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow through with a project that makes a positive difference in her community.