Anna Claire, Josy, Kate, Rachel, Natalie, Melanie, Maggie, Callen, Jaybeth, Lauren, Lauren, Meredith, Lyndsey, Lauren and Brennah of Troop 980 held a book drive at their school, Oak Mountain Intermediate, to earn their Bronze Award. The girls collected and sorted over 3000 books to donate to Better Basics and the Lovelady Center. They also went to each organization and led each group in activities. At Better Basics, they designed activities for school-aged children to help them enjoy reading. At the Lovelady Center the girls worked with the day care program and celebrated Dr. Seuss Day by reading Dr. Seuss books and created special Dr. Seuss activities for the kids.
The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn. This award recognizes that a Girl Scout Junior
has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow
through with a project that makes a positive difference in her