What Did You Do Today? Despite claims that there are no adventures to be found in Birmingham, Troop 37 embarked on a twelve-hour day trip to explore their home city. Their tour began at the Heaviest Corner on Earth where they marveled at the skyscrapers on their way to the Peanut Depot where they witnessed a fresh batch of peanuts being poured into a vat to be roasted. Headed to the Alabama Power Building for lunch, the girls made a quick stop at the new Birmingham History Center, which was packed with information and memorabilia. After lunch, the troop then ventured away from the North side and over to the University of Alabama at Birmingham. There the girls visited the Alabama Museum of Health where they were interested by all the wax statues depicting different diseases. After the museum it was time for some fun. At the University’s Rec center the girls free climbed and belayed for two hours on the massive climbing wall. After burning off all their energy, the girls went to 5 Points South to Cosmo’s Pizza for some much needed nourishment. As the perfect end to their day downtown, the girls went to visit Vulcan. Watching the sun set over the skyline the girls were able to think about their exciting day and all the great things Birmingham has to offer an adventuresome person.