Gold Award Focuses on Childhood Obesity
Morgan of Troop 2280 chose to hold a Fun Fitness Field Day as her Gold Award project because she wanted to educate children and their parents on ways to prevent childhood obesity and how proper fitness makes for a healthy lifestyle. She planned several events within the Jefferson and Shelby County communities, including Impact Family Counseling and Jessie’s Place. During the events she had various speakers to talk about how the participants could improve their health and offered fitness demonstrations. Morgan created a pamphlet to educate them on healthy living. Through this project, Morgan learned that if she set a goal for herself, she has the ability to achieve it. Morgan, a graduate of Shades Valley High School, attends Birmingham Southern College and is the daughter of Clotele of Birmingham. The Gold Award is highest level of Girl Scout achievement. This award recognizes the Senior & Ambassador Girl Scout’s commitment to herself, her community, and her future. The girl who goes for the Gold embraces challenges, achieves excellence, and works diligently to make the world a better place, in her own unique way. Her leadership, vision, and boundless energy is an inspiration to all Girl Scouts. Each girl earning her Gold Award demonstrates excellence through a leadership project totaling more than 65 hours. Girls who earn their Gold Award are also recognized by the President of the United States, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Armed Services, state legislatures, colleges and universities for admission and scholarship opportunities, and the American Legion.