The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn. This award recognizes that a Girl Scout Junior has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow through with a project that makes a positive difference in her community.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Jasper Girl Scout Pounds the Pound
Katie of Troop 125 held a “Pound the Pound” for the Walker County Humane Society in August to earn her Bronze Award. She researched pet safety/health information, and organized a booth at a local grocery store where she handed out humane society information, pet safety information, heat advisory information pertaining to pets, and encouraged people shopping to also donate needed items for the humane society (pet food, cleaning supplies, cat litter, etc). She also recruited fellow Girl Scouts to help her with her project.
The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn. This award recognizes that a Girl Scout Junior has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow through with a project that makes a positive difference in her community.
The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn. This award recognizes that a Girl Scout Junior has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow through with a project that makes a positive difference in her community.