Monday, September 20, 2010

Silver Awardee Shows Hospitality

Kalifa of Troop 639 wanted to help Blount Hospitality House. The Blount Hospitality House provides lodging and supportive companionship for out-of-town relatives of patients in Huntsville area hospitals. Kalifa became aware of the Blount Hospitality House after a local youth music director’s husband had a heart attack. His family from North Carolina stayed at the Blount Hospitality House while he was in the hospital. It was his wife’s wish to thank the Hospitality House. Kalifa set a goal of collecting 100 items. She coordinated with the Pastor at Haven Baptist church, and with the help of others was able to collect 490 items. Kalifa realized she was able to rally people together to support her cause – the mark of a true leader!

The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. This award symbolizes a Girl Scout Cadette’s accomplishments in Girl Scouting and community activities as she matures and works to better her life and the lives of others.