For her Gold Award project, Kayla conducted a full day camp for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and test-taking anxiety. “I have ADHD as well as test taking anxieties and I have overcome these issues. I could explain the problems in class however when test taking time came I would go blank. It wasn’t from the lack of studying. My mom never gave up and found people who taught me ways to succeed. I have done just that and I will be attending college to become a teacher. I pray that there is one child whom I can help succeed.” Kayla recruited professionals from the community to come speak to students regarding ways to help them with their studies. She created a booklet about her own challenges with ADHD and test taking anxiety to share with camp participants, local libraries and local Girl Scout troops. Kayla, a graduate of Vinemont High School, is the daughter of Greg and Margaret. She is a freshman at Wallace State Community College.
The Gold Award is highest level of Girl Scout achievement. This award recognizes the Senior & Ambassador Girl Scout’s commitment to herself, her community, and her future. The girl who goes for the Gold embraces challenges, achieves excellence, and works diligently to make the world a better place, in her own unique way. Her leadership, vision, and boundless energy is an inspiration to all Girl Scouts. Each girl earning her Gold Award demonstrates excellence through a leadership project totaling more than 65 hours. Girls who earn their Gold Award are also recognized by the President of the United States, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Armed Services, state legislatures, colleges and universities for admission and scholarship opportunities, and the American Legion.