Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gold Award Project Focuses on Pediatric Needs

Christie, Alison and Lilian felt strongly about assisting the children who stayed in Huntsville Women’s and Children’s Hospital and wanted to address the needs of the Pediatric Unit. They chose to donate 50 fleece blankets, 50 uniquely designed coloring books and volunteered time at the unit. They met with a Child Life Specialist who helps children minimize fears, provides opportunities for emotional, social and cognitive growth and age appropriate safe play. The girls also created a video highlights how people can volunteer, needs of the Pediatric Unit, what potential volunteers would do if they chose to volunteer in the unit. The video also shared that donations of board games, art supplies and books that that would benefit the children. The video was shared with the youth group at Holy Spirit Catholic church who expressed interest in volunteering at the unit.

Christie is the daughter of Raul and Marilyn and attends Spring Hill College. Alison  is the daughter of David and Kathleen and attends Grissom High School. Lilian  is the daughter of Juan and Frances and attends Calhoun Community College.

The Gold Award is highest level of Girl Scout achievement. This award recognizes the Senior & Ambassador Girl Scout’s commitment to herself, her community, and her future. The girl who goes for the Gold embraces challenges, achieves excellence, and works diligently to make the world a better place, in her own unique way. Her leadership, vision, and boundless energy is an inspiration to all Girl Scouts. Each girl earning her Gold Award demonstrates excellence through a leadership project totaling more than 65 hours. Girls who earn their Gold Award are also recognized by the President of the United States, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Armed Services, state legislatures, colleges and universities for admission and scholarship opportunities, and the American Legion.