Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fishing Tournament to Benefit Girls

The annual Bill Ireland Invitational Fishing Tournament will be held June 22-23 on Lake Alice at Kanawahala Program Center (KPC) located in Chelsea, AL. Proceeds will benefit the Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama.

The tournament will kick-off Friday, June 22 with a Captain’s Party from 6-8:30 p.m. at KPC. The evening includes a silent auction and dinner.

Following a 6 a.m. breakfast on Saturday, June 23, the tournament will begin with a shotgun start at Lake Alice on KPC and other private, local lakes. Lunch will be provided and an awards presentation will follow. Overnight accommodations are provided.

Sponsorship levels range from $500 to $2500. Fishing only is $500. Prizes will be awarded for bass weight and all other species including catfish and bream. Small fish may be iced or put in live wells, and fish over 14” must be released back into the lake. All other fish may be taken home. No live bait will be allowed.

The fishing tournament started in 2004, and was re-named in 2010 in honor of a wonderful Girl Scout supporter, Bill Ireland, Sr. This year’s event is being chaired by Gabe Hulbert. Other committee members include Tom Clark, Caroline Clayton, Phyllis Davis, Marjorie Davis-Trimm, April Deal, Joel Goldstein, Chuck Graham, Bill Granberry, Bill Satterfield and Alice Williams.

For more information, please contact Leah Beth Downs at or 800-734-4541 x1030. You may visit for a sponsorship brochure.