Thursday, June 21, 2012

Troop 312 Earns Girl Scout Silver Award

Troop 312 members Erica from Harvest, Miranda and Christina from Madison and Lindsey from Huntsville, all students at Monrovia Middle School, earned the Silver Award by hosting an overnight camp event promoting good health habits. The girls researched ways to live a healthy lifestyle and invited other Girl Scouts to join them in this exciting camp-like experience. The overnight event included guest speakers and educational games for the participants to play.

Erica, a student at Monrovia Middle School from Madison, and Savanna, a student at Country Day School from Huntsville, earned the Silver Award by organizing three blood drives in memory of a friend who passed away from cancer. The girls also organized a field trip to LifeSouth for other Girl Scouts to learn about the importance of donating blood. With the help of RedCross and LifeSouth, the girls held the blood drive at Grace Presbyterian Church and in the parking lot of Ol’ Heidelburg Restaurant. Erica and Savanna registered and greeted donors at the door, giving them t-shirts, coupons and snacks. The girls hoped that both the blood drive and the field trip would help raise awareness, as well as provide blood to those in need.

The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. This award symbolizes a Girl Scout Cadette’s accomplishments in Girl Scouting and community activities as she matures and works to better her life and the lives of others.