Monday, June 25, 2012

Troop 40125 Earns Community Service Patch

Pictured: District Court Judge
Tammy Montgomery (left) &
Troop Leader Veronica Davis (right)
along with Troop 40125.
York West End Girl Scout Troop 40125 earned their community service patch by working with the Stamp Out Hungry food drive benefitting the Children of the Village (COTV) Food Bank Pantry in Sumter County Alabama. In a collaboration with the United States Postal Service (USPS), the girls helped load food collected during the drive to deliver to the pantry. District Court Judge Tammy Montgomery, chairman of COTV, gratefully received the donation and hopes that the extra food will help local individuals and families that really need it. COTV greatly appreciates the USPS and Troop 40125 for their efforts.