Thursday, August 15, 2013

Troop 30146 Earns Silver Award with E-Cycling Project

Emilee, Isabel and Katharine, students at Thompson Middle School and members of Girl Scout Troop 30146, earned the Girl Scout Silver Award for their project Alabaster E-Cycle Day. The girls tackled the problem of throwing away electronics, which can release harmful chemicals into the ground when put into landfills. The girls collaborated with the City of Alabaster and Premier Surplus, Inc., and electronic recycling company, to hold the event. The girls wrote an article and created flyers to advertise the event. City council member Stacy Rakestraw created a larger initiative from this event, naming April “Clean Sweep Month,” which the girls hope will continue in the future.

The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette (grades 6-8) can earn. This award symbolizes a Girl Scout Cadette's accomplishments in Girl Scouting and community activities as she matures and works to better her life and the lives of others.