One new cookie is offered this year: Thank U Berry Munch. These sweet, indulgent cookies are rich with white fudge and cranberries.
Other cookies offered include all-time favorites: Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoils, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, Lemon Chalet Cremes and Dulce de Leche. Each box sells for $3.50. All eight varieties of Girl Scout Cookies contain zero grams of trans fat, meaning that each serving contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fat, according to the FDA definition.
Through the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Program, an integral part of Girl Scouting’s Financial Literacy initiative for girls ages 5 to 17, girls manage inventory, set goals, learn money management, and develop their own personal leadership style. Essentially, the girls run their own business. The entire troop sets a goal and creates an action plan leading toward that goal. Girl Scout troops use funds from the cookie activity to fund a service project or to plan for an exciting trip.
Proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Program also support council-wide program opportunities for girls, the maintenance of camps, and the recruiting and training of volunteers across the area. Girls will take pre-orders for cookies beginning December 18, with deliveries after February 5. Booth sales at many local stores and supermarkets will start February 12. If eager customers have trouble finding cookies near them, they can visit http://www.girlscoutsnca.org/ or call 800-734-4541.
Since 1917, the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Program has become a famous annual event that has helped girls develop important leadership skills they will use throughout their lives. Whether they are dreaming of becoming a doctor, teacher, businesswoman, president of their PTA, superstar mom or professional athlete, the Girl Scout Cookie Program helps to build the self-esteem they need to reach for the stars.