Caroline earned her Gold Award by organizing an Earth Day Festival (Earthapalooza) held at Paul W. Brant High School and creating six recycling bins for the Schools. Earthapalooza addressed ways that young people can help the environment. Ten different organizations held booths and eco-friendly activities on her school’s football field. She also had a quest speaker from Al Gore’s The Climate Project speak to the students. Approximately 420 students attended and 40 students volunteered with the event. Not only did she help teach others on taking care of our environment, but Caroline and partner Amie Katherine Lemley created recycling bins to make it easier for people to actually take action. “The best part was seeing our students, teachers and clubs come together over this issue,” said Caroline. “Knowing that it had all been put together by students was extraordinary.”
Caroline is a Senior at Paul W. Bryant High School and will graduate with an Advance Academic High School Diploma. Caroline is the daughter of Robert and Fern of Tuscaloosa.