Jessica | Drop into ROTC
Jessica earned her Girl Scout Gold Award for her project Drop into ROTC. When the Hazel Green Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) relocated to Hazel Green High School, Jessica stepped up to the plate to help improve the organization’s new space and increase recruiting numbers. When it was time for the high school’s orientation, the new room was ready for students and parents to learn more about the NJROTC program. According to Jessica, “Students entering the NJROTC program will have more opportunities for post-secondary education and employment. It will also teach them critical job skills, improve their organizational habits and increase their self-confidence.”
Jessica is a senior at Hazel Green High School in Madison County.
Jessica earned her Girl Scout Gold Award for her project Drop into ROTC. When the Hazel Green Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) relocated to Hazel Green High School, Jessica stepped up to the plate to help improve the organization’s new space and increase recruiting numbers. When it was time for the high school’s orientation, the new room was ready for students and parents to learn more about the NJROTC program. According to Jessica, “Students entering the NJROTC program will have more opportunities for post-secondary education and employment. It will also teach them critical job skills, improve their organizational habits and increase their self-confidence.”
Jessica is a senior at Hazel Green High School in Madison County.
Jana wanted to educate teenagers on driving safety with her Gold Award project. To create awareness, Jana set up a Safe Driving website and Facebook page, created a Safe Driving Trivia quiz and gave a “Safe Driving” presentation to young drivers. Jana also created a video and a pledge for young drivers to sign. Jana says that through her project she was able to improve her public speaking skills.
Jana is a Huntsville native and currently a freshman at Mississippi State University.
Katie wanted to help mothers and newborns with her Gold Award project. She worked with the Manna House in Huntsville to create an infant center filled with necessary baby items. Katie painted a mural on one of the walls and added shelving to hold supplies. Katie sent out letters asking schools, churches and other members of the community to donate items such as burp cloths, bottles, clothes and diapers. She received enough donations to fill the shelves and a separate storage room. “The response to my project was awesome,” said Katie, “from the community that donated supplies, to the staff and mothers at the Manna House.”
Katie is a senior at Madison Academy.
Katie is a senior at Madison Academy.
The goal of Maura's project was two-fold. She wanted to raise awareness about the challenges of literacy in developing countries, and she wanted to help facilitate the development of a library in a rural community in south Alabama. For the first part of her project, Maura worked with the Huntsville Public Library to develop a one-hour summer reading presentation. Maura wrote a skit for pre-school to middle school children based on the book Listen to the Wind, the story of Dr. Greg and Three Cups of Tea, and the groups would participate by acting out some of the parts. Since the book is about Dr. Greg’s journey to Pakistan to establish schools, Maura also included a small geography lesson in her presentation.
Maura’s project also included a book drive for Saint Joseph’s drop-in center in Vredenburgh. With the help of some friends, Maura was able to deliver 1,000 books. But she wanted to do more than just deliver the books and give her presentation. Maura and her friends spend two days with the children in Vredenburgh, and at the end of each day the children picked out a book to take home. Maura says the most successful aspect of her project was the book drive, “I exceeded my goal, and I was able to share my love of reading with others in a meaningful way.”
Maura is a senior at Grissom High School.
Megan | Basic Computer Skills Needed to Succeed in School and Beyond
Maura’s project also included a book drive for Saint Joseph’s drop-in center in Vredenburgh. With the help of some friends, Maura was able to deliver 1,000 books. But she wanted to do more than just deliver the books and give her presentation. Maura and her friends spend two days with the children in Vredenburgh, and at the end of each day the children picked out a book to take home. Maura says the most successful aspect of her project was the book drive, “I exceeded my goal, and I was able to share my love of reading with others in a meaningful way.”
Maura is a senior at Grissom High School.
For Megan's Gold Award project, she teamed up with Girls, Inc. to present a weekly computer workshop to upcoming fourth and fifth graders. Through several fun projects, the girls learned how to use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. To encourage the girls to learn and be enthusiastic about the workshops, they played games and were asked trivia questions. Megan also created a binder with her lesson plans and a list of resources for Girls, Inc. to use for future workshops. “I wanted to give the girls the knowledge and basic computer skills they will need to succeed in school and be competitive in the workforce,” says Megan.
Megan is a Huntsville native and currently a freshman at Mississippi State University.
Terita | A Diabetic Affair
Megan is a Huntsville native and currently a freshman at Mississippi State University.
Terita | A Diabetic Affair
Terita is a senior at Sparkman High School.
About the Gold Award
The Gold Award is highest level of Girl Scout achievement. This award recognizes the Senior & Ambassador Girl Scout’s commitment to herself, her community, and her future. The girl who goes for the Gold embraces challenges, achieves excellence, and works diligently to make the world a better place, in her own unique way. Her leadership, vision, and boundless energy is an inspiration to all Girl Scouts. Each girl earning her Gold Award demonstrates excellence through a leadership project totaling more than 65 hours. Girls who earn their Gold Award are also recognized by the President of the United States, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Armed Services, state legislatures, colleges and universities for admission and scholarship opportunities, and the American Legion.